Introduction: A Full-Service Business & Injury Law Firm In Houston, Texas
I specialize in helping individuals and corporate clients with liability issues, civil litigation claims, and those who have suffered property damage and personal injuries. I also assist clients with transactions, such as contracts for services, real estate, and purchasing major items.Principally, I assist corporate clients, high-net-worth individuals, and small businesses to defend themselves from people who claim they are responsible for an injury, – whether it be personal injury or property damage. This could have devastating consequences to the client’s finances or the reputation of their business.
I devote myself and my firm’s resources to providing the highest level of service and professionalism to everyone I have the opportunity to work with. We strive to be great, not just good.
So Who Is This Book For, And What Is Its Purpose?
My hope is that this book will provide the reader with a functional understanding of the two most important elements of civil lawsuits: how liability and damages must be proven under the law. You will learn what sort of information is necessary to prove liability, what sort of information is necessary to prove damages, and how this all comes together in a court case. The reader will also understand the corollary – how to defend against liability and damages.
Ideally, with a bit of knowledge from an expert civil litigation attorney, you will be able to follow along with your civil lawsuit and have a much better idea of how to protect yourself – no matter what comes your way.
For more information on Civil Claims Law in Texas, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (713) 270-0097 today.
We Offer Free Consultation For
IP Infringement And Plaintiff Personal Injury Cases
Call For A Consultation (713) 270-0097